4 Takes, Photo101 Course

Today I am playing catch-up on assignments through WordPress’ Photo101 Course. I wanted to see if I could learn more about photography and how to incorporate it into my blog.

This first image represents Home 

When my family first moved to Maine from New York, the first thing I remember seeing was the skyline of the City of Portland. This building, seen framed by the trees, is fondly known as the Time and Temperature Building. That black square announces, of course, time and temperature, as well as parking bans in the winter, and occasionally will be used for other purposes. Seems to me I have seen “Happy Easter,” and “Call Joe” (referring to a local law office). My father worked in that building for several years as a hair stylist. I still get a sense of calm when I see it from a distance. It just means “home.”

In the foreground of the photo is Back Cove, also called “Back Bay.” There is a walking trail surrounding the cove that is used by joggers, bicyclists, dog-walkers, skateboarders, roller bladers, and just plain old ladies walking, like myself. (Ok, not officially “old,” but getting there). There are often walk-a-thons held for different charities from Payson Park nearby. This park is home to several Little League games, tennis, soccer, you name it. This is another great place for dogs and their owners, picnics, sunning, reading … you get the idea.

The next assignment was to take a picture of a street. Since I don’t have the oomph to go running around the streets in subzero temps and mile-high snowbanks at this time, this old photo will have to do. Besides, I like this kind of street better anyway.

The photo was taken at the Eastern Promenade in Portland, Maine. Eastern Prom is also used for walking, biking, skateboarding, sight seeing, picnicking, and the like. There is a public beach from which boats may be launched, swimmers may swim, and dogs may dog. There are great views of Casco Bay, walking paths, a gazebo, and a hundred photo ops. Ok, if you insist, I will provide you with a sneak peak of the view (Fort Gorges seen on the right; no extra charge).

The next assignment: Water.

I chose this picture for obvious reasons. I love the mirrored surface of the water and the birds flying just above the surface. I also love trees, and their silhouettes against the sky and over the water. (Photo taken again at Back Cove, seen from Baxter Boulevard, Portland, ME),

Lastly, here is a picture that represents Bliss. I don’t know if you are getting a sense of theme here, but apparently I love the ocean. In fact, the ocean was the factor that sold me, when my dad broke it to us that we were moving to Maine from upstate New York. The ocean is what keeps me. When I moved a couple of hours North, and could not get to the ocean, I was miserable and couldn’t wait to get back Home. That’s not to say I have no wanderlust; I do! Just make sure that somewhere along the line I can get to the ocean.

This photo was taken at The Lobster Shack At Two Lights in Cape Elizabeth, Maine

(Subjects in photo are anonymous. No animals were harmed in the taking of this picture).

16 thoughts on “4 Takes, Photo101 Course

  1. blahpolar

    They did not put me to sleep. The first one is very cool – I’d love to see your other versions of it actually. I also like bliss very much. And also, very cool to see where you hang out. Love the bustling street … 🙂


          1. kbailey374 Post author

            well, all my pix are on FB, I keep forgetting that they are not on this computer. Anyway I did not have many views of that scene but I will try to get some this Spring. I was surprised I didn’t have more and what I had was not all that good.


  2. quixotic faith

    Your photos don’t show up into phone, but no worries bc I’ll check them out on my computer later.

    I really like Portland, ME. I seriously considered moving their at one point. There is a freshness to the cool breeze and the smell of flowering trees is heavenly.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Merry Hearts Medicine

    Nice job! I like the way you framed the first photo with the greenery. I also like the way the light hits the boats in the third photo. The one with the tree and birds is just beautiful. They are all nice, really.

    Liked by 1 person


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