The Liebster Award!

Thank you so much Depressionless for nominating me for the award! (Please click on the link to read Depressionless’ blog!)

Now I am not sure I am doing all this right but here goes, these are the questions I was asked to answer:

1.I you could be something today,something to make you proud,what would you be?

— I would “be” – without censoring myself or shaming myself or allowing anyone else to do it to me (mind you, most of the shaming I do or think is coming from others is probably all in my head!!)

2.why you started blogging?

— I started blogging because I wanted to be able to do what I stated in question one! So far I think it is helping!

3.what would make you happy?

— oh my gosh! The answer to question one would make me happy! lol

4.what is one thing you can’t live without at the moment?

— Um, number one … Ok, I am being redundant so I will try to give you another answer. I can’t live without having my space, and that’s why I had to tell my son he couldn’t move back in with me if his current situation didn’t work out. SO HARD but I was really going down the tubes. So that’s what I did.

5.the book or the movie?

— The book, because the kinds of books (Christian historical fiction) that I read don’t get made into movies lol you have pets? if no,pick one would you would like to have

— I don’t have any now, but if I could, and I had the room, I’d love to have a dog. We had a Newfoundland dog when I was growing up and I truly loved her.

7.share your favorite blog and describe in 3 words why?

— I have two, if you don’t mind. One is by a really good friend and she writes about her experiences as a nurse with bipolar, she is at bpnurse.

The other one is written by a woman who also has bp and I just love her honesty, she’s funny, and she has done a ton of research on bipolar and shares it with her readers. She’s not afraid to really lay it out there with her feelings or whatever she is experiencing; I’d love to be a little more like that! She writes at Blahpolar Diaries.

Ok I guess I used more than 3 words lol…

8.describe yourself in 3 words

— k for myself I will use three words. I’m tempted to do what “Depressionless” did and say, “Strong, Rich, and Gorgeous.” But I won’t. I’ll say “strong, growing, loving.” How’s that?

9.mountain or sea/ocean?

— Oh definitely ocean. Take me from the ocean and I’m severely depressed! Um, more than usual I mean.

10.what you do to relax?

— haha, I’m on the computer almost every waking hour. But, I also read for an hour before I go to sleep, and I like to eat sweets (the results of which are not very relaxing)

11.favorite scent/perfume

— I don’t have any right now, it’s a powder called “Cashmere Bouquet” that my grandmother used to have. Yes, old lady powder. Want to make something of it?

Ok, the Rules”

Thank the person who has nominated you and link their blog in in your post.
Answer the questions above.
Nominate 5-11 blogger, who have less than 200 followers.
Make a new list with 11 questions.

Ok I am going to link to:


Blahpolar Diaries.

Young and Twenty

Bipolar Scorpio

Penny Pinching Peach

Here are the Q&A I would like you to answer?

1.I you could be something today,something to make you proud,what would you be?

2.why you started blogging?

3.what would make you happy?

4.what is one thing you can’t live without at the moment?

5.the book or the movie? you have pets? if no,pick one would you would like to have

7.share your favorite blog and describe in 3 words why?

8.describe yourself in 3 words

9.mountain or sea/ocean?

10.what you do to relax?

11.favorite scent/perfume
Put these rules in your post.
Inform the blogger you have nominated.

2 thoughts on “The Liebster Award!

  1. Pingback: you liebster me, you really liebster me | blahpolar diaries

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