What was your favorite age to be and why?

I just read another blog talking about ages 4-10 and I said that was a very lonely time for me; I felt very unloved. I would prefer being in my early 20’s. I was free from my parents, very competent as a nurse, and I was pretty popular with the boys! The mental illness and alcoholism had not really hit yet and I think (if I remember right) I was pretty happy.

I put up the picture of Stuart Little because one of the things I loved between ages 4-10 was being read to. LOVED Stuart Little and Charlotte’s Web!

What about you? What age did you love the most and why?

7 thoughts on “What was your favorite age to be and why?

  1. quixotic faith

    Happiest? Right now at 34. 0-10 I can’t remember much of anything. 10-24 tumultuous and mostly really sucky. 24-28 life difficulties with deep depression alternating with intense hope and optimism. 28-now growing steadily calmer and more secure.😊



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